Twilio SMS API integration for A1 Rental Vans reservations

Naturally, each business has their set of specific requirements when it comes to selecting a platform to automate everything. When A1 Rental Vans Chicago approached us requesting a platform to manage their vehicle rental business, we were happy to provide all the technical assistance required to meet their requirements. They are a large vehicle rental company with 15 Passenger vans to rent. They explained how difficult it was to manage everything manually and how they have been looking for a platform to automate everything. The key focus was on customer experience and they always emphasized on making it easy for customers, which shows how much they care about their customers and the effort they were willing to put in making everything easy for the customers.

A1 Rental Vans Chicago wanted a system to automate all the tasks related to their Vehicle Rental Business. Their requirements included a complete reservation management module using which they could automate everything. They found their perfect solution in AutoRentz, an automobile reservation management platform from Pagematics allowing you to automate all your reservations. Using the powerful features of AutoRentz such as the reservation management, fleet management, seasonal custom pricing, report generation, location management, vehicle addon management, etc, they could simplify and streamline their vehicle rental business thereby saving a lot of their valuable time and using it to focus more on their core competencies.

Why Pagematics and Autorentz

Pagematics was able to help A1 Rental Vans with AutoRentz, a platform developed based on Smartwcm. They were able to add and manage their cars easily through the platform. They were also able to add multiple locations and associate a location with a car so that a user searching for any location will be able to find the cars associated with that location automatically. They could also easily remove a car that was no longer available in a location.

Reservation procedure

When a user comes to the website, they have the option to select a pick-up date, time and location along with the drop off date, time and location. A search will display the list of available vehicles, from which the user can select the required vehicles, selected the additional features and then finally make the reservation.

Checkout and Payment

Another major issue that A1 Rental Vans faced was payment collection and associating the payments with their reservation. Pagematics used the integration of Stripe API in its Smartwcm based AutoRentz platform that automated the payment collection and reservation management. This helped A1 Rental Vans to provide users the option to make payments using their credit cards and confirm their reservation.

Reservation Notifications

AutoRentz already had the email and SMS notification features integrated through Smartwcm. This way, any user making a reservation will receive an email notification with the details of their reservation. Also, they were able to configure a phone number in Twilio for A1 Rental Vans and users would an SMS notification with the reservation details. Even the administrators were able to receive email and SMS notifications and were able to keep a track of the online reservations. Phone inquiry and Reservations

Apart from online booking, there was a very good share of inquiries coming through phone calls. A major challenge here was managing the calls as well as collecting payments and associating that with the reservation so that the vehicle should available online for reservation during the same period again. Autorentz also could save a payment if the administrator had collected the payment through cash or check. But still handling the reservation calls was a problem to be dealt with and A1 Rental Vans wanted to use a single number for reservations, with the ability to answer the call from multiple phones with different numbers.

Pagematics had a solution for this as well. Having integrated the Twilio API in Smartwcm already, it was easy to integrate and configure Twilio for AutoRentz and thereby making its Programmable SMS and voice features assist A1 Rental Vans in their reservation requirements. The team at Pagematics helped the configure a number through Twilio in such a way that any call to that number is automatically forwarded to multiple phone numbers and whoever answers the call first call continue on the call.

This reduced the number of calls that were lost considerably. But still, some calls were missed and any call that was not picked was a business lost. Smartwcm developers team was able to configure an IVR menu using the Twilio API in such a way that a user would stay in an IVR system if all the numbers configured to receive the number was busy with attending another call informing that they were in a queue. If a user dropped a call, the configured phone numbers were able to get an SMS notification with the details of the number so that anybody could call them back when required

In short, not only the Pagematics and Smartwcm developers team help A1 Rental Vans in handling their reservation calls from any assigned device, but they also set up a virtual customer support center by giving the caller a feeling that they were calling an actual customer support center with many agents exclusively available to handle their request and thereby earning their trust. Now A1 Rental Vans do not miss even a single call and they do it with minimum resources and using the advanced APIs from Twilio and the technical expertise of the Smartwcm development and support team of Pagematics.

Pagematics was able to help A1 Rental Vans with their rental platform, the AutoRentz and also with their technical expertise in configuring third-party APIs like Twilio for their clients and their custom requirements. This has saved a lot of time, effort and money for A1 Rental Vans Chicago making them the pioneers in vehicle rental business in Chicago.

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