
Difference between String, StringBuffer, and StringBuilder in Java

Difference between String, StringBuffer, and StringBuilder in Java

Discover Java string handling with insights on String, StringBuffer, and StringBuilder. Learn about immutability, thread safety, performance, API variations, and when to choose between StringBuffer and StringBuilder. Gain clarity on memory usage and speed for efficient Java string manipulation.

Java Logger


Discover the power of Log4j2 for robust Java logging with extensive capabilities, improved performance, and scalability. Get started efficiently with Log4j2 using provided dependencies and dive into its features like Logger, Filters, Appenders, and Layouts for comprehensive logging solutions.

Comparing the Performance of different implementations of the List interface
Java Collection Framework

Comparing the Performance of different implementations of the List interface

In the Java Collection Framework, a List is an ordered collection of elements that allows duplicates. Java Collection Framework provides several concrete implementations of the List interface, such as ArrayList, LinkedList, Vector, and Stack.

Singleton Design Pattern
Java Design Pattern

Singleton Design Pattern

Learn about the Singleton Design Pattern, a creational pattern ensuring only one instance of a class exists, with global accessibility. Discover its variations like eager and lazy initialization, understand thread safety, and explore real-world applications in frameworks like Spring MVC, Struts, Hibernate ORM, and more.

Java Logger


Explore Log4j, the renowned logging framework. Discover its foundational hierarchical log levels and loggers, still embraced by modern logging frameworks. Learn how to kickstart your Log4j journey, configure log levels dynamically, and master the art of logging with Maven integration.

Logger in Java
Java Logging

Logger in Java

Complete guide for getting a basic idea about logging in Java and its components. Explore Java logging components, logging levels, filters, appenders, and formatters for effective log management.

Java Collection FrameWorks
Java Collection Framework

Java Collection FrameWorks

Explore the Java Collection Framework, a powerful built-in library offering interfaces like Iterable, Collection, List, Set, Queue, and Map. Understand their implementations, such as ArrayList, LinkedList, Vector, Stack, HashSet, LinkedHashSet, TreeSet, HashMap, LinkedHashMap, and TreeMap.