Difference between String, StringBuffer, and StringBuilder in Java

Explore the nuances of String, StringBuffer, and StringBuilder in Java with this comprehensive guide. Delve into topics like immutability, thread safety, performance, API differences, memory utilization, and speed variations. Understand when to use each type based on your specific needs and learn why StringBuilder is often recommended over StringBuffer. Enhance your understanding of memory consumption, speed considerations, and make informed decisions for efficient string manipulation in your Java applications.

Important concepts


String objects are immutable, meaning that their values cannot be changed once they are created. StringBuffer and StringBuilder objects are mutable, allowing for modification of their values after they are created.

Thread safety

String objects are thread-safe, meaning they can be safely used by multiple threads without any synchronization issues. StringBuffer objects are thread-safe as well, but StringBuilder objects are not.


Because String objects are immutable, each time you modify a string, a new String object is created in memory. This can be inefficient if you need to make many modifications to a string. StringBuffer objects are designed for efficient string manipulation in multi-threaded environments, while StringBuilder objects are designed for efficient string manipulation in single-threaded environments. When you modify a StringBuffer or StringBuilder, the object is modified in place, without creating a new object each time.


String provides a large set of methods for manipulating and comparing strings, while StringBuffer and StringBuilder provide a smaller but similar set of methods focused on string manipulation.

String is useful when you need to represent a fixed string value, whereas StringBuffer and StringBuilder are useful when you need to dynamically modify a string value. If you're working with a large amount of string data or need to perform many modifications to a string, StringBuffer or StringBuilder can offer better performance, depending on whether you're working in a multi-threaded or single-threaded environment.

Memory utilization

String objects tend to consume more memory than StringBuffer and StringBuilder objects, as each modification to a String requires creating a new String object in memory. StringBuffer and StringBuilder objects, on the other hand, can modify their values in place, which reduces memory usage. However, StringBuffer objects may consume more memory than StringBuilder objects, due to the additional synchronization overhead.


The speed of operations between String, StringBuffer, and StringBuilder can also vary depending on the specific use case.

String operations tend to be slower than StringBuffer and StringBuilder operations because of the immutability of String objects. Each time a String object is modified, a new String object must be created, which can be slow and memory-intensive. Additionally, operations such as concatenation with the + operator create intermediate String objects, which can also be slow.

StringBuffer and StringBuilder operations tend to be faster than String operations because they are mutable, meaning they can be modified in place without creating new objects in memory. However, StringBuffer operations can be slower than StringBuilder operations because of the overhead introduced by synchronization, which is necessary to ensure thread safety in multi-threaded environments.

StringBuilder over StringBuffer

Unless you need to share a buffer between threads, it's recommended to use StringBuilder over StringBuffer. This is because StringBuilder is unsynchronized, which means it has less overhead and is more efficient compared to its synchronized counterpart, StringBuffer. In other words, StringBuilder is the younger brother of StringBuffer that offers faster performance at the cost of thread safety.

In general, you should use String when you don't need to modify the contents of a string after it has been created. Because String objects cannot be modified, they are guaranteed to remain the same throughout the lifetime of your program. This can be useful if you need to ensure that a value remains constant, such as when computing a hash or digital signature. Additionally, many Java APIs and libraries expect or return String objects, so using String can be the most straightforward choice in many cases. You should use StringBuffer or StringBuilder when you need to modify the contents of a string.

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