How SitePM helped Coliman Pool Plasters

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Small and medium business owners struggle to find time to manage their businesses and market them. Website is the most effective way to market a business. An eye-catching website is a solution to market small and medium businesses and this requires expertise for which the business entrepreneurs may not have the right technical team. The website also has to be managed and updated periodically. This also requires a professional team of technical experts.
Coliman Pool Plasters (CPP) is a business enterprise dealing with swimming pools and related works. When the CPP wanted to create a website to market their business, they after careful consideration of the web designers in the market, approached Pagematics. Here is an account of how the Pagematics using the SitePM developed the website. SitePM is a cloud-based website designing and management tool provided as a subscription-based service.

CPP meets with the SitePM team

Coliman Pool Plasters made a formal request to the SitePM to design a website for the promotion of their enterprise. After the preliminary modalities were worked out, the SitePM team gave a patient hearing of the nature of their business, the requirements, the contents, the posters, and other themes to be included, and an agreement was signed. The CPP was assured that all there requirements would be incorporated in the designing of the web. The SitePM also helped the CPP to purchase their desired domain.

Creating a prototype

The next step was to select the appropriate template based on the requirement of the client. This was easy since the SitePM has a good collection of templates. Usually, we take the approval of the template from the client, but CPP has given us their prior approval as they didn’t want to interfere with our selection; they wanted our professional help with the choice of their template.
Once we finalized the template, a prototype of the website is created using dummy content and the images. After designing all the dummy pages of the website, this is shared with the client for their feedback. Most of our clients approve the web design without any change as they were fully satisfied with the design. So was with the CPP.

Content creation

The professional content writers’ team at the SitePM immediately start their work on creating all the contents required for the website.

Content Review

The content is now shared with the client to get their feedback. Any suggestions or corrections will be incorporated at this stage.

Web pages design

Our graphic designers create all the images that were required for the site. We design and supplement a lot of images apart from the images shared by the client. Once these were ready, our team updated the dummy content created during the prototype design with the newly created content and images, and the website is ready for presentation

Website testing

This is the penultimate step before making a website live. The quality testers at the SitePM test the website across all major browsers and devices of various sizes and resolutions to make sure that the website is working properly in all the cases. They also make sure that the console is always clean and there are no errors. The website performance was also tested with various tools to make sure that the website login fast enough both on mobile devices and on desktop devices.
The testing team makes sure that all the images and other resources were optimized for web standards and report any issues found and got it corrected by the developers. They also check the quality of the contents and ensure that there are no unwanted or dead links on the website.

Site Delivery

This is the final stage where the website goes live. All the required DNS configurations will be done here. If SSL is required, it is also configured during this stage. Some clients do not want SSL to be configured for their websites, but it is highly recommended.
For Coliman Pool Plasters, the required server and the DNS configurations were completed and the website was finally launched. We created a login portal for them to access our CMS to manage all the content on their website, thus providing them the full authority of their website. They still contact us for any changes or updates and our team is always happy to assist them.
The entire process from the initial meeting with the client to the launching of the website took less than two weeks which made our client CPP extremely happy. Our team took pride in the outcome of the product to the full satisfaction of our client Coliman Pool Plasters.

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