The Most Interesting AI Platforms that happened in 2023

There’s no doubt that AI is here to stay. While it may typically be associated with chatbots and image generation, AI is extending its reach into all sorts of areas. In fact, some of the things it's able to do can be quite terrifying. What’s important to remember is that embracing the latest in AI can only help you become more efficient and savvy in today’s world.

It seems that almost everyday a new AI tool is being released. From newer versions of ChatGPT to photo editing, let’s take a look at some of the most interesting AI platforms.


ChatGPT was released in November 2022 by OpenAI, changing the AI chatbot game. This tool is based on a large language model making it well-equipped to respond as if it were almost human. Along with being fun to play around with, ChatGPt has helped writers with content, developers with code and has many other areas of expertise. With several updates under their belt, we are now given ChatGPT, the most in-depth version yet.

While many users have stuck with the free version, the knowledge base in it caps at the year 2022. So, if you’re looking for the most recent content you won’t be getting it. This may create a speed bump for users trying to do research through the platform. ChatGPT will let you know this, so at least it’s honest.

Alongside the impressive chatbot, OpenAI is releasing the ChatGPT store. The store is going to allow users to share and sell custom functions they’ve created within ChatGPT. To access the store, you’ll need a ChatGPT paid account. There are mixed thoughts on this release, but it is a way for users to potentially find more functionality in an already very functional platform.

AI Photo Editing

Another area where AI is making news is photo editing. We’re not talking about the AI image generators like DALL E which is another OpenAI creation, but actual photo editing.
This type of technology can save photographers hours of time doing simple edits. The key here is that AI generated images can be very obvious, while these tools keep the integrity of the photo and do what something like a human with Photoshop could do in way less time.

Adobe has created an AI Editor for Photoshop. With AI photo editing, users can save time with Generative Fill and Generative Expand. This gives users a lot more control than AI generator tools.
Evoto is another photo editing AI tool meant to make the life of a photographer easier. It would also be useful for those who may not have Photoshop knowledge to edit using a few key functions. Evoto can easily retouch a photo by getting rid of fine lines and even wrinkles in a suit jacket within seconds.

Voice Cloning

MyShell recently released OpenVoice which is an open-source AI platform that allows users to clone voices. The platform was developed by researchers at institutions such as MIT to be able to use only a few seconds of audio to clone voices.

The voice can then be used as it is, or with accents, different inflections and much more. You can essentially generate voice in any style and any language. The voices can also be used to generate mixed languages. This tool could be useful for editing audio for podcasts, or other forms of audio media.

Keep in mind that voice cloning has raised some concerns regarding consent. In fact, the Federal Trade Commission announced the Voice Cloning Challenge last November to promote protecting consumers from voice cloning that could result in fraud or scams.

Search Engines

Google dominates the world of search engines, but there are other choices that are integrating AI. For instance, Bing has incorporated AI into its web browsing function. Another platform that has been created is Perplexity AI. It works similarly to ChatGPt, but gives even users that have the free version the most updated information with resources.

It won’t write an article for you like ChatGPT, but it’s a fantastic tool for compiling research for a query that you need a quick and credible answer to. You don’t have to click on every resource, as it puts everything together for you with annotations.

Final Thoughts

To sum it up, AI is here to stay. It’s going to be exciting watching the last tools develop and see more being released. Remember, embracing AI is going to benefit you in the long run as it weaves its way into almost every industry. The good news is that many of these tools offer free versions so you can get to know them without a huge commitment. Stay tuned for more AI news!

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