Articles By Alka John

Java Logger


Discover the power of Log4j2 for robust Java logging with extensive capabilities, improved performance, and scalability. Get started efficiently with Log4j2 using provided dependencies and dive into its features like Logger, Filters, Appenders, and Layouts for comprehensive logging solutions.

Microservice: Basic Principles
Microservice Architecture

Microservice: Basic Principles

Explore the fundamental principles of microservices in software development. Learn how these loosely coupled, independently deployable services follow key design principles such as single responsibility, decentralization, autonomy, and service-oriented architecture.

Java Logger


Explore Log4j, the renowned logging framework. Discover its foundational hierarchical log levels and loggers, still embraced by modern logging frameworks. Learn how to kickstart your Log4j journey, configure log levels dynamically, and master the art of logging with Maven integration.

Twilio SMS API integration for A1 Rental Vans reservations

Twilio SMS API integration for A1 Rental Vans reservations

Naturally, each business has their set of specific requirements when it comes to selecting a platform to automate everything.

Java Collection FrameWorks
Java Collection Framework

Java Collection FrameWorks

Explore the Java Collection Framework, a powerful built-in library offering interfaces like Iterable, Collection, List, Set, Queue, and Map. Understand their implementations, such as ArrayList, LinkedList, Vector, Stack, HashSet, LinkedHashSet, TreeSet, HashMap, LinkedHashMap, and TreeMap.